Resources for LGBTQ+ Communities
Our support for diversity and inclusivity is more than skin deep, pushing beyond the contours of gender-neutral makeup. While opinions of LGBTQ+ communities are improving, progress is still slow. Increased visibility comes with more acceptance, but also more danger – both physical and mental.
Here are 10 resources for LGBTQ+ people of all ages and backgrounds.
A US-based organization working to make K-12 schools safe for LGBTQ+ students by supporting school-based clubs, educators and school personnel. GLSEN also has additional resources for supporting Black, Latinx, Native, trans and gender non-conforming and bisexual students.
GLSEN with a banner at a Pride parade.
An Organization for uniting LGBTQ+ communities with family, friends and allies through support, education and advocacy. They are based in the US and advocate for inclusive laws at the local, state and federal level.
3. CenterLink
A coalition of organizations that serve LGBTQ+ communities in the US, Canada, Australia and China. Their network offers assistance to its members, and their website makes it easy to find an affiliated organization.
4. The Trevor Project
An institution that provides 24/7 toll-free crisis intervention services for LGBTQ+ people under 25. Their trained counselors are available via call, chat and text. With a mission to be both life-saving and life-affirming, the Trevor Project also hosts a social networking site for LGBTQ+ youth.
5. Athlete Ally
A group that believes in equal access, opportunity and experience in sports with a mission to end homophobia and transphobia in the athletic community. With 45 college chapters, Athlete Ally sends speakers to educational institutions of all levels as well as corporate campuses to encourage sports leaders to champion LGBTQ+ equality.
Athlete Ally with a banner in front of the U.S Capitol building.
6. Forge
A community working to support and advocate for transgender individuals while educating their SOFFAs (significant others, friends, family and allies). Trauma-educated and empowerment-focused, Forge hosts local events in Wisconsin and has an informative series of webinars on their website.
7. Religious Institute
A multifaith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual, gender, and reproductive health education. One of their primary initiatives is LGBTQ+ justice which includes a collection of scriptural resources, responsive readings and prayers for a variety of faith communities.
8. Switchboard
A resource of LGBTQ+ telephone, chat and email helplines based in the UK. All of their trained volunteers self-identify as part of an LGBTQ+ community; they seek to create a safe space for anyone to discuss anything.
9. Sage
A US advocacy group that offers services and support for LGBTQ+ elders so that they can age with respect and dignity. Sage offers a national hotline and LGBTQ-friendly global volunteering opportunities, promoting age-inclusivity in spaces and events like Pride celebrations.
Sage with a banner at a Pride parade.
10. American Veterans for Equal Rights
A non-profit and non-partisan organization supporting LGBTQ+ veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Membership is free for active duty military and veterans who are 80+ years old or $35 a year to join one of their 14 active chapters across the nation.
Here’s to a world of inclusivity for all skin tones, all sexual and romantic orientations, and all gender identities. Stay safe and stay proud!